Decorate your home with a solid brass door knocker designed with a unique Trinity Knot and clapper. Containing the timeless Celtic symbol of love, these made-in Ireland door knockers give homes a personality with a lighthearted Irish message that emphasizes love. Hang them on your door and let the sun highlight the copper finish.
These door knockers emphasize the trinity knot which can also be called a trefoil knot or triquetra. Over the centuries this symbol has become iconic with its three interwoven leaves that symbolize an eternity that can't be untied. With its broad message of love, the trinity knot has even transcended Irish culture into other ones from pagans to shows you see on TV.
Each door knocker is not only made in Ireland but is also made from a solid brass material built to withstand years of use and different weather conditions. The knockers all have a unique Claddagh design covered in an antique copper finish. They all come with mounting bolts, a Celtic-designed clapper, and installation instructions.